Category Archives: Events

On February 22, 2025 we will walk through the cold and dark to declare our concern for people who have no home and take shelter in nooks & crannies. We walk for those folks  whose days are a battle to house and feed their families and whose nights are filled with fear and frustration. We walk for those driven from home by violence & abuse and those who are overwhelmed by isolation, guilt & despair. We walk humbly, realizing that anyone can lose their footing and then lose everything else. Each step we take brings someone closer to safety, health and home, as together, we raise funds for organizations whose commitment & work transforms people’s lives. We have registered a team under the name, “Hampton United Church” with a fundraising goal of $700 to support Outflow Ministries – a men’s homeless shelter in Saint John. Our team of walkers will walk 2 km in…

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